Thursday, December 31, 2020


  1. 今年从单纯卖书变成卖课程。原本的课程有录音+口诀,价钱也越涨越高。到了下半年,我又加了【电讯】秘密频道,在里面发表很多讲解。如今是卖着马币500块。
  2. 我的正业方面呢,四月升经理,六月起薪25.3%。组织也从4人成长到8人。
  3. 然後,就在十二月,当选马来西亚讲华语运动主席。


Tuesday, October 8, 2013





Wednesday, July 17, 2013

奇迹之道 - 仅供参考


1) 迁入有风水布局的新宅。
2) 无时无刻修炼佛法中的〔当下的力量〕。
3) 在家里步了个〔阵法〕(不是风水学)。
4) 天天一醒来就〔专心〕念〔六字大明咒〕和 〔准提咒〕。各三遍。持续数个月,鲜少中断。
5) 天天以〔心〕祭天祭地祭家中神明。
6) 好事一来,即刻感谢〔天地神明〕。

Monday, July 8, 2013



Thursday, June 27, 2013

Speed Racer

I love to watch movie, since young i have watched a lot of good movies. I think it is time for me to write movie critics. My first critic will be about this one "Speed Racer"

It has been a long time for a good movie like this!

From the beginning until the end, you would not think of getting your eyes away!

The story is normal, but the story context is good! With little time, the director is still able to tell the story smoothly!

Most interesting part is those car racing scenes. Wow, excellent! More exciting than "The Fast and The furious!" series.

Well, the guy who starred as "Speed Racer" looks familiar to me. I think he looks alike with Ewan Mcgregor! A young version.

The family element in this movie is good too. The director managed to tell spectators that the father love his children very much! It's quite touching!

If you guys out there have not yet watched, you should go and get yourself a leisure moment! You will have no regret!

The Orphanage

Another Gulleirmo Del Toro's movie made in year 2007. I just managed to watch it today. It entered Malaysia market so late!

Yeah. Another good movie even tough it is not directed by Del Toro himself, he is only the producer.

Nevertheless, i still prefer his another great piece of work "Pan's Labyrinth". I watched "Pan's Labyrinth" last year and it really sent me the sense of satisfication. What a great movie! The movie has successfully delivered its message that the Facist group in Spain was doing all kind osf cruel act to oppress the rebellions during the reign of General Franco. The general inside that movie was a typical Facist character. The movie also tries to tell how eager a little girl to live in the world that she has been longing for. There are all kind of magical funny frictional characters in the movie. It is full of imagination and yet it is not childish. This movie is not for children anyway. The nicest part is even tough the movie's story is separated into 2 major lines from the beginning, but eventually director managed to cross the 2 lines together and formed an excellent ending.

"The Orphanage" has less "magic" factorsl than "Pan's Labyrinth". Its story goes quite smooth. It reveals the mystery bit by bit and by usual, it tries to spook the spectators with sudden loud sound effect. I am not satisfied with the story anyway because when the movie ends i still do not know how Laura's son died and why did those children ghosts wanted to kill him. The movie does not tell about this, instead it emphasizes the maternal love and it made me touched in the end where the lady committed suicide just to see her son in another "world".

