Tuesday, October 8, 2013
Wednesday, July 17, 2013
奇迹之道 - 仅供参考
1) 迁入有风水布局的新宅。
2) 无时无刻修炼佛法中的〔当下的力量〕。
3) 在家里步了个〔阵法〕(不是风水学)。
4) 天天一醒来就〔专心〕念〔六字大明咒〕和 〔准提咒〕。各三遍。持续数个月,鲜少中断。
5) 天天以〔心〕祭天祭地祭家中神明。
6) 好事一来,即刻感谢〔天地神明〕。
1) 迁入有风水布局的新宅。
2) 无时无刻修炼佛法中的〔当下的力量〕。
3) 在家里步了个〔阵法〕(不是风水学)。
4) 天天一醒来就〔专心〕念〔六字大明咒〕和 〔准提咒〕。各三遍。持续数个月,鲜少中断。
5) 天天以〔心〕祭天祭地祭家中神明。
6) 好事一来,即刻感谢〔天地神明〕。
Monday, July 8, 2013
某乩童曾向我说个故事。有位母亲,念佛号念得不准,心生愧疚, 向某法师求助。法师对她说,你就拿个葫芦,对葫芦念〔葫芦大西瓜 〕,佛菩萨也会听闻的。该母亲依法师所言去做,天天很勤力的念〔 葫芦大西瓜〕。一天,母亲正煮饭,突闻屋外有人呼叫她,就去查看 发生何事。原来是村内捕鱼人,说您儿子捕鱼时翻船出事了,茫茫大 海寻他不着,至今不知死活。母亲伤心欲绝,即刻拿着葫芦,冲到海 边,念〔葫芦大西瓜〕,向佛菩萨求助。念着念着愈发平静,突觉有 人拍打肩膀,睁眼一看,竟是全身湿漉漉的儿子!
Thursday, June 27, 2013
Speed Racer
I love to watch movie, since young i have watched a lot of good movies. I think it is time for me to write movie critics. My first critic will be about this one "Speed Racer"
It has been a long time for a good movie like this!
From the beginning until the end, you would not think of getting your eyes away!
The story is normal, but the story context is good! With little time, the director is still able to tell the story smoothly!
Most interesting part is those car racing scenes. Wow, excellent! More exciting than "The Fast and The furious!" series.
Well, the guy who starred as "Speed Racer" looks familiar to me. I think he looks alike with Ewan Mcgregor! A young version.
The family element in this movie is good too. The director managed to tell spectators that the father love his children very much! It's quite touching!
If you guys out there have not yet watched, you should go and get yourself a leisure moment! You will have no regret!
It has been a long time for a good movie like this!
From the beginning until the end, you would not think of getting your eyes away!
The story is normal, but the story context is good! With little time, the director is still able to tell the story smoothly!
Most interesting part is those car racing scenes. Wow, excellent! More exciting than "The Fast and The furious!" series.
Well, the guy who starred as "Speed Racer" looks familiar to me. I think he looks alike with Ewan Mcgregor! A young version.
The family element in this movie is good too. The director managed to tell spectators that the father love his children very much! It's quite touching!
If you guys out there have not yet watched, you should go and get yourself a leisure moment! You will have no regret!
The Orphanage
Another Gulleirmo Del Toro's movie made in year 2007. I just managed to watch it today. It entered Malaysia market so late!
Yeah. Another good movie even tough it is not directed by Del Toro himself, he is only the producer.
Nevertheless, i still prefer his another great piece of work "Pan's Labyrinth". I watched "Pan's Labyrinth" last year and it really sent me the sense of satisfication. What a great movie! The movie has successfully delivered its message that the Facist group in Spain was doing all kind osf cruel act to oppress the rebellions during the reign of General Franco. The general inside that movie was a typical Facist character. The movie also tries to tell how eager a little girl to live in the world that she has been longing for. There are all kind of magical funny frictional characters in the movie. It is full of imagination and yet it is not childish. This movie is not for children anyway. The nicest part is even tough the movie's story is separated into 2 major lines from the beginning, but eventually director managed to cross the 2 lines together and formed an excellent ending.
"The Orphanage" has less "magic" factorsl than "Pan's Labyrinth". Its story goes quite smooth. It reveals the mystery bit by bit and by usual, it tries to spook the spectators with sudden loud sound effect. I am not satisfied with the story anyway because when the movie ends i still do not know how Laura's son died and why did those children ghosts wanted to kill him. The movie does not tell about this, instead it emphasizes the maternal love and it made me touched in the end where the lady committed suicide just to see her son in another "world".
Yeah. Another good movie even tough it is not directed by Del Toro himself, he is only the producer.
Nevertheless, i still prefer his another great piece of work "Pan's Labyrinth". I watched "Pan's Labyrinth" last year and it really sent me the sense of satisfication. What a great movie! The movie has successfully delivered its message that the Facist group in Spain was doing all kind osf cruel act to oppress the rebellions during the reign of General Franco. The general inside that movie was a typical Facist character. The movie also tries to tell how eager a little girl to live in the world that she has been longing for. There are all kind of magical funny frictional characters in the movie. It is full of imagination and yet it is not childish. This movie is not for children anyway. The nicest part is even tough the movie's story is separated into 2 major lines from the beginning, but eventually director managed to cross the 2 lines together and formed an excellent ending.
"The Orphanage" has less "magic" factorsl than "Pan's Labyrinth". Its story goes quite smooth. It reveals the mystery bit by bit and by usual, it tries to spook the spectators with sudden loud sound effect. I am not satisfied with the story anyway because when the movie ends i still do not know how Laura's son died and why did those children ghosts wanted to kill him. The movie does not tell about this, instead it emphasizes the maternal love and it made me touched in the end where the lady committed suicide just to see her son in another "world".
Wednesday, June 26, 2013
Tears In Heaven
"Tears In Heaven" is a very nice award winning song written by Eric Clapton. He wrote this song for his 4 year old son who died in year 1991.
I think the version by "The ChoirBoys" is very very much touching than the original one. I am not saying that Eric Clapton does not sing well, but the re-orchestration of the music of this version further instils the sense of sorrows into my heart. No more guitar in this version, but some kind of 'quiet' instrument that takes the major role, i can't tell. It's rather slow and solemn.
It reminds me of my dad who passed away on October last year.
Here is the song's lyrics:
I think the version by "The ChoirBoys" is very very much touching than the original one. I am not saying that Eric Clapton does not sing well, but the re-orchestration of the music of this version further instils the sense of sorrows into my heart. No more guitar in this version, but some kind of 'quiet' instrument that takes the major role, i can't tell. It's rather slow and solemn.
It reminds me of my dad who passed away on October last year.
Here is the song's lyrics:
Would you know my name
If I saw you in heaven
Will it be the same
If I saw you in heaven
I must be strong, and carry on
Cause I know I don't belong
Here in heaven
Would you hold my hand
If I saw you in heaven
Would you help me stand
If I saw you in heaven
I'll find my way, through night and day
Cause I know I just can't stay
Here in heaven
Time can bring you down
Time can bend your knee
Time can break your heart
Have you begging please
Begging please
Beyond the door
There's peace I'm sure.
And I know there'll be no more...
Tears in heaven
Would you know my name
If I saw you in heaven
Will it be the same
If I saw you in heaven
I must be strong, and carry on
Cause I know I don't belong
Here in heaven
Cause I know I don't belong
Here in heaven
1) 危险 - (负)现金流,(负)净值
2) 稍弱 - (正)现金流,(负)净值
3) 不错 - (正)现金流,(正)净值,以(资产)为主要收入来源
4) 超好 - (正)现金流,(正)净值,收入以倍数成长
1)收入 - 支出 = 现金流
2)资产 - 债务 = 净值
收入 - 您的主要收入来源
支出 - 您的主要支出
资产 - 您能产生收入的资产
债务 - 您的债务
1) 危险 - (负)现金流,(负)净值
2) 稍弱 - (正)现金流,(负)净值
3) 不错 - (正)现金流,(正)净值,以(资产)为主要收入来源
4) 超好 - (正)现金流,(正)净值,收入以倍数成长
1)收入 - 支出 = 现金流
2)资产 - 债务 = 净值
收入 - 您的主要收入来源
支出 - 您的主要支出
资产 - 您能产生收入的资产
债务 - 您的债务
Know Your Financial Health
I attended a talk today and i am sharing with you the highlights here.
Your Financial Health can be categorized into 4 statuses:
Note: -ve means NEGATIVE, +ve means POSITIVE
1) Dangerous = -ve CASH FLOW, -ve NET WORTH
2) Poor = +ve CASH FLOW, -ve NET WORTH
3) Good = +ve CASH FLOW, +ve NET WORTH, Most of the income is from ASSET
4) Great = +ve CASH FLOW, +ve NET WORTH, High Income which grows exponentially
To calculate your Financial Health, you need to:
1) Calculate your CASH FLOW
--> Income - Expenses = CASH FLOW
2) Calculate your NET WORTH
--> Asset - Liabilities = NET WORTH
INCOME = Your Job
EXPENSES = Your monthly expenses
ASSET = Your asset that generates INCOME
LIABILITIES = Your asset that causes expenses
Your Financial Health can be categorized into 4 statuses:
Note: -ve means NEGATIVE, +ve means POSITIVE
1) Dangerous = -ve CASH FLOW, -ve NET WORTH
2) Poor = +ve CASH FLOW, -ve NET WORTH
3) Good = +ve CASH FLOW, +ve NET WORTH, Most of the income is from ASSET
4) Great = +ve CASH FLOW, +ve NET WORTH, High Income which grows exponentially
To calculate your Financial Health, you need to:
1) Calculate your CASH FLOW
--> Income - Expenses = CASH FLOW
2) Calculate your NET WORTH
--> Asset - Liabilities = NET WORTH
INCOME = Your Job
EXPENSES = Your monthly expenses
ASSET = Your asset that generates INCOME
LIABILITIES = Your asset that causes expenses



Predict your future financial health based on the current one!
Continue from previous article.
If your current financial health is Dangerous, your net worth is going to drop like hell as years go by.

If your current financial health is Poor, your future net worth is not much better than Dangerous. Although you have Positive Cashflow, the fact is it will not be able to beat Inflation :)

If your current financial health is Good, your future is good too but over the years you will find your net worth grow too little and you may wonder if that is enough to defeat the Inflation :)

If your current financial health is Great! Then of course your future is GREAT too! Usually this means your Cashflow grows exponentially and your net worth is gonna increase at the speed of rocket!
If your current financial health is Dangerous, your net worth is going to drop like hell as years go by.
If your current financial health is Poor, your future net worth is not much better than Dangerous. Although you have Positive Cashflow, the fact is it will not be able to beat Inflation :)
If your current financial health is Good, your future is good too but over the years you will find your net worth grow too little and you may wonder if that is enough to defeat the Inflation :)
If your current financial health is Great! Then of course your future is GREAT too! Usually this means your Cashflow grows exponentially and your net worth is gonna increase at the speed of rocket!
Forza Juventus! Forza Del Piero
Congratulations to Alessandro Del Piero! Finally he is crowned the top scorer of serie of season 2007/2008! I believe he could not wait for this moment! The last time he nearly got the award was during season 1997/1998 which then he and Fillipo Inzaghi contributed a total of 39 goals in the league and eventually helped Juventus to get the champion of that season! What a moment!
Since season 1995/1996, Del Piero has been my all time favourite! He is the soul of Juventus. His fate decides the fate of Juve! The Juve in the late 90's was really really impressive! Back then the serie A standard was high, there were so many superstarts playing in different serie A teams, and serie A teams always never missed the quarter onward of the european level cups such as Champion's League , UEFA Cup and etc.
Del Piero was known as an excellent playmaker then. However since season 1996/1997 he loves to play as forward. He found his area of movement which is widely known as the Del Piero's Territory. Too bad he got injured badly in season 1998/1998 which also caused Juve to fall to no. 6 in that season.
After he was back from injury. He struggled very much to restore to its peak form. His freekick and penalty is still sharp but somehow his physical strength dropped very much. He was so easily tackled and tripped down. I thought i would have never had the chance to see him topping the scoring chart of serie A again but surprisingly! He made it this season!!!
Good work, Del Piero!

Since season 1995/1996, Del Piero has been my all time favourite! He is the soul of Juventus. His fate decides the fate of Juve! The Juve in the late 90's was really really impressive! Back then the serie A standard was high, there were so many superstarts playing in different serie A teams, and serie A teams always never missed the quarter onward of the european level cups such as Champion's League , UEFA Cup and etc.
Del Piero was known as an excellent playmaker then. However since season 1996/1997 he loves to play as forward. He found his area of movement which is widely known as the Del Piero's Territory. Too bad he got injured badly in season 1998/1998 which also caused Juve to fall to no. 6 in that season.
After he was back from injury. He struggled very much to restore to its peak form. His freekick and penalty is still sharp but somehow his physical strength dropped very much. He was so easily tackled and tripped down. I thought i would have never had the chance to see him topping the scoring chart of serie A again but surprisingly! He made it this season!!!
Good work, Del Piero!

Juve was great from year 1994 - 1996
Juventus won a few championship during this period. I still cannot forget great players then such as Vialli, Ravanelli, Baggio, Di Livio, Deschamps, Toricelli, Peruzzi and so on...
Juventus dominated the final match against Ajax Amsterdam, you can see they are the one launching more attacks than Ajax. At one time Lippi even put 5 attackers on the field: Vialli, Jugovic, Ravanelli, Del Piero, Di Livio.
You may watch it from here
Juventus dominated the final match against Ajax Amsterdam, you can see they are the one launching more attacks than Ajax. At one time Lippi even put 5 attackers on the field: Vialli, Jugovic, Ravanelli, Del Piero, Di Livio.
You may watch it from here




Tuesday, June 18, 2013
这高人推拿功夫很好,很多顾客被他治好。有位博士来找高人推拿,高人轻轻按摩,博士就已痛不欲生。高人知道必是〔怪能〕作怪,就一边按摩,一边念咒语,把隐藏在 博士体内的〔怪能〕驱散。后来高人告诉我,那些〔怪能〕其实是该博士的〔冤亲债主〕,有时按到某部位时,该博士就〔鬼魂上身〕,突然状如老虎,张牙舞爪,发出咆哮声。有时按倒令一个部位时,又有另一个〔幽魂〕作怪,附身博士,怪罪〔高人〕为何多管闲事。高人唯有与之谈判,最后说服该〔冤亲债主〕,超度之。
这高人推拿功夫很好,很多顾客被他治好。有位博士来找高人推拿,高人轻轻按摩,博士就已痛不欲生。高人知道必是〔怪能〕作怪,就一边按摩,一边念咒语,把隐藏在 博士体内的〔怪能〕驱散。后来高人告诉我,那些〔怪能〕其实是该博士的〔冤亲债主〕,有时按到某部位时,该博士就〔鬼魂上身〕,突然状如老虎,张牙舞爪,发出咆哮声。有时按倒令一个部位时,又有另一个〔幽魂〕作怪,附身博士,怪罪〔高人〕为何多管闲事。高人唯有与之谈判,最后说服该〔冤亲债主〕,超度之。
Sunday, June 2, 2013
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