Monday, October 29, 2007

















Wednesday, October 10, 2007









Sunday, September 16, 2007

Hibernate Notes

Here's some Hibernate notes for beginners out there. I've been facing lots of troubles dealing with Hibernate. I hope my notes would be short and clear enough so that you guys could save some time instead of looking for answers in the thick book!

1) Don't get confused with Flush Session & Commit Transaction
I used to have a wrong concept that flush session usually means data is already sync from Hibernate Session to the Database and everything cannot be roll back anymore! This is obviously wrong! Both are irrelevant with each other in fact! Even tough flush session would sync everything from Hibernate Session to the Database, however if the unit of work is within a transaction scope, the developer should trigger a commit so that everything can be committed!

2) Session Save will assign an identifier value to the corresponding saved object
Calling hibernate session save() will not only persist your pojo, but will also assign an identifier to that pojo according to the Hibernate Mapping. The identifier assignment will not be that late until database-session sync process happen.

Thursday, August 2, 2007





做决定的那一晚,与老板漫谈了数个钟头。感谢他赐予我无数极为宝贵的意见,好让我加以检讨,找出弱点的根源,好对症下药。 我知光阴局促,欲改善弱点非一日之事,故望能循序渐进,随时间的洪流冲击那无常的未来。

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

What makes a software project fail?

Came across an article discussing the factors of why software project fails:

Take a look!

I agree with the 3 pillars, which are:
  1. Version control
  2. Work item tracking
  3. Build system
When i review these points on my current project, which implemented a great build procedure, good version controlling, good bug tracking system, and compare to previous projects which did not implement one of the 3 important items, the time saved is really significant!

First of all, a better tool for version controlling was introduced: SVN, then he started to come out with all kinds of ant build script to basically compile the source codes, moving files, deleting files, ftp files and etc. We even have a build script to refresh the whole database schema by deleting tables, drop users, creating new tables, running data scripts and etc. Lastly, we integrated these two important features into our LDAP system. We applied LuntBuild as a better framework to control the build, we applied Trac which provides a lot of features to govern or track bugs.

With the help of all these tools, we managed to save really lots of time on the deployment! The deployment can be easy & clean! Everything is handled at one end, no other parties could interfere the integrity!

Of course, there are weaknesses too, we did not manage to deploy part of the system. For every deployment we are about to do, we got to build the whole project & deploy to the server directory & in the end run some unix scripts which basically unjar the war file & restarts the web application.

Monday, July 23, 2007


I did not expect the interview with "sexxxx-tx" is successful! I thought it has gone dead as it's been 3 weeks already that i did not hear from the agent that introduced me this job. Today she called me and said there is a good news! First thought came into my mind was: the interview went through! Hahaha, 75% of success rate, i am glad, that means at least i did not waste my time in my first company! I have to thank my boss(who is also my master) for giving me so much chances to grow. Sometimes i just hate myself why can't i be as aggressive as another colleague! He has been advancing so fast, so aggressively and he's about to become another shareholder of my company already! Well, i cannot blame any party even myself, because, there are a lot of factors! Time, Human, Family, Money, Project.... These are what i call fate. However, i believe life is a long battle. You fall behind from someone now does not mean you have no chance to overtake him next time! What i have is time! As long as i won't die so soon.

I am now cracking my head, just to decide which option to choose. The option suggested by boss? Work together with friend? Parked under him by taking an equivalent salary as him? Or to join a company offering flexible time line but lower benefits? What i can tell here is, once i move up, i can no longer achieve the great savings as i am enjoying currently here in Kulai. Kulai is too small. You have nothing to do here, you have no life here, you have no networking activities here. Those things are what i have been longing for! Yet, it is a peaceful town, no traffic jam, less crowded, you do not need to join a long queue just for movie ticket or nice food.

I need to make a decision in the next 24 hours already! Wish me good luck!

Friday, July 20, 2007








Saturday, June 16, 2007

Hibernate Tips - managed sessions

This is a good Hibernate tips. It's another way of handling Hibernate Session.

Powered by ScribeFire.

Sunday, June 3, 2007









到了中午时刻,我去了一间著名的餐厅,叫做“死鱼”(DEADFISH)。餐厅的布置有点奇特,不过是属于西式的,由于是午间,所以只有两名顾客。我点了一杯苹果汁和阿莫克(AMOK)。嗯,很不错,当时煮法似乎与在“高棉厨房”(KHMER KITCHEN)的有点不同,这个会比较辣一点。吃着当儿,突然间下起了雨来,我默默的享受着悦耳的爵士乐与雨点滴滴答答所融合成的另类交响曲。我的心,很沉静,这似乎是我找了很久的一种境界,懒懒散散地,真想要让当时的时间静止不动。慢慢的,待雨势小了些后,我便心满意足的离开了,好一个精神上的升华。由于看来待会可能会再下一场雨,所以我加快步伐就赶回去客栈,进入午间的梦乡。





Thursday, May 31, 2007



我必须于五时正赶到那里。在摩托车上享受了一阵的晨风后,到那儿的时间是刚刚好。我下了摩托车,看着远处的吴哥寺,人简直软了,还有好一段路要走啊!我此刻的脚在经过多日的攀爬、跳跃、快走之后已经陷入酸痛的状况中啊!没办法,不能就这样浪费了我的旅程时间,硬着头皮干吧!在步往中心建筑物的一路上拍了好多照片,挨着挨着就到了宏伟的吴哥寺了。这座寺内有好多塔,我必须爬上最高的那层,也就是吴哥窟的中心点。那个梯阶超狭窄!请想象从前的人的手足大小竟是现代人的一倍之小!所以你在这里可以看到一个奇景: 好多人都手足并用,小心翼翼的爬上塔上去!我不想跟这么多人“挤”上塔顶,唯有先在一旁参观参观,绕着塔走走。



过后我去了“崩密列”参观。路程好遥远,加上骑在摩托车上,长时间让手臂曝晒在猛烈的阳光下,非常的不好受,当时真后悔为何没擦上防晒油,结果我的那双手臂都被烧伤了。Lonely Planet的书本说应到那儿一看,会有如电影印第安那钟斯博士的那种探险历程。果然没说错,去了那儿需要做多次的攀爬,在前两天用力过度的情况下,今日手脚酸疼,攀爬得好吃力,而路道又被设置成迷宫般,还好在工作人员的指导下,我才顺利的逃了出来。






Wednesday, May 30, 2007





有一个特点是: 他们的桌上都有一个篮子。蓝内装了生摘的不知名植物。这植物呢长了好多的叶子。吃的方法是: 把树叶一片片摘下来,放入“米粉汤”内,搅拌着吃。





晚餐我去了一间叫“高棉厨房”(KHMER KITCHEN)的餐厅尝试一个道地的本土食物“阿莫克”(AMOK)。你可选择要怎么样的肉,我选择了鱼肉。美味新鲜的鱼肉伴随着类似咖喱的汤汁,让我胃口大开。这个餐厅处于一条一看就知道是专为游客而设的街道,十分的洋化,漂亮但感觉和这个城市有点格格不入,那似乎是属于西洋国家的玩意儿。



Monday, May 28, 2007













Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Java Programming Tips

Share with you guys of some coding performance optimization tips:

1) Always use isEmpty() rather than size()>0 to check whether a collection contains any object. For further explanation, please read

2) Always use iterator to iterate your list rather than using for loop and get(int). For further explanation please read

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

A very good morning!

Good morning to you guys out there. I enjoyed a good sleep for the past two days. It's been precious to me as i long time never really have a proper sleep. I have either slept very late then woke up late or slept for a few hours only, even on Saturday or Sunday! Most of the time i just have one feeling that i do not have enough sleep as my eyes always easily get tired! I really have to thank god for giving me such a chance to have a good quality sleep.

This morning i woke up at around 7 am, i could hardly get myself back to sweet dream again so i just got up from the bed, brushed my teeth, cleared my colon, then went for swimming. Recently the weather is so hot so the water in the pool is very warm! Great! I swam for around 15 minutes. Enjoyable!

After that i took a shower then went to office. I made myself a first organic breakfast in Kulai. Anyway i also bought a pack of fried mee hon as i was worried that little organic oat could not fill in my stomach. I happened to meet my colleague when i was going out from office and she was so surprised that i came to office so early!

Anyway, it's a wonderful morning for me.

Monday, March 12, 2007

Sun Tech Days

Last week i managed to attend the Sun Tech Days event. That was the first Sun Tech event in Malaysia. I felt extremely happy as i had the chance to see the real person of the father of Java - James Gosling. My company sent me together with my colleagues to this event which overall took 2 days to finish. On the night before the event i set out my journey together with the 2 other colleagues from Kulai to Kl at around 8pm. We had our dinner in Kulai first then continued our journey. Thanks to the lengthy conversation between me & one of my colleagues who was sitting next to me, i managed to keep myself awake throughout the 300km journey. Of course, we had some light tea session in the midst of the journey as well. We arrived at the destination hotel at around 12.30pm. So me & one of my colleagues were assigned in the same room. We watched the fantastic four in Star Movie and then slept to recharge ourselves for the exciting event the next day.

Here comes the Sun Tech Days, we set out from the hotel at around 8 something in the morning. The event actually started at 7.30 which means we were late for that. Luckily the event location is just a few minute by walking distance from our hotel. Anyway, the important part of the event was the speech addressed by Mr. James Gosling which started at around 9 something. We reached there with empty stomach. The first 2 speakers who one of them is the Sun Microsystems Managing Director in Southeast Asia Region and the later one was one of the many minister in Malaysia. Both of them are really lousy speakers as they only spoke something which are not interesting at all. Next was the famous James Gosling. Somehow his speech also not much of excitement probably because he is a typical technical guy who is always an introvert.

I do not want to describe so much of details here as there were too many things to talk about. Perhaps let me do my research first then will share with you guys on those cutting edge technologies. In short, these are EJB 3.0, J2EE 5, J2SE6 and etc. What impressed me was the easy creation of Web Service using J2EE5 as right now i got to crack my head configuring this & that before publishing my web service. With the advent of J2EE5, all we need to do is to use the annotations to mark whether this function shall be wrapped into a web service or not. As for the EJB 3.0 i think i do not need to mention that much already as it looks certainly is the implementation standard of business logic(IOC) & Object-Relational Mapping framework in future which also means the current famous framework Hibernate & IOC framework Spring will be replaced by this new framework in the end. So, annotation again! It really plays an important role in making this EJB 3.0 up.

There are several meals provided throughout the whole day. The meal is not bad indeed. Even tough that is considered too much for me already, but i really enjoyed it! The whole day ended with joy and exhaustion as we managed to learn new things but at the same time tired of sitting there for a whole day to pay full attention to what had been addressed by those speakers. Thanks to their efforts & professionalism. I think they really had the passion & willingness to share with us of what they know. They are promoting Java with great effort!

The next day was a little bit boring as some of the topics did not really help us in improving our current work. Perhaps it is only helpful for people who is working in other fields. Some of the speakers tone are too monotonous that's why making some of us asleep. Since those topics did not stir much of our interest, so i did not learn much from there. I also purchased the SCJP exam voucher at a discount rate! I planned to take this exam within this year and this voucher expires on March 2008. Anyway, i did not manage to finish listening the last session as i got to accompany my colleagues back to hotel to take his stuff which were put along together with my luggage. After that i waited for the rest of my colleagues in the hotel lobby to move on to our journey back. Thanks to another colleagues again for kept talking to me so as to keep me awake along the way back to Kulai. Thanks ya. We reached there at around 12.30. After taking bath and lying down on my bed, i was talking to myself, i really got to appreciate the chance give to me and really learned something from there.

Friday, February 23, 2007









Great Ang Pau!

I received a great Ang Pau this Chinese New Year. It's given by Public Mutual! Wahaha! All Public Mutual funds that i bought grow crazily and one of them even achieved 26.07% of return rate so far! Man, it's not even one year yet! All my clients as well earning big Ang Pau. I can sense the happiness from them as i am having the same one! I will continue to monitor & survey to gain more profit for me & my clients. Yahoo...

Mean while, the 2 stocks i bought have become my Fortune God! One of them even achieved 27.94% of return rate per year!!! This is so great. I am happy i manage to achieve Warran Buffett's target! Well, a bit disappointed as the total amount i earned still not very large. My initial investment amount is too little. Sigh, that's why rich guys earn faster! They can afford to put in a huge amount of money and earn the huge return if they success their investment!

Anyway, thanks Fire Pig(Chinese Master Horoscope for this year) for giving me such a reward. I will continue to cultivate my skill at Financial side to earn me a better living in future. I really hope i do not work blindly for my boss only. I wish to be someone useful for society, not a donkey/dog for my boss. Sorry boss, you can't stop people from chasing their dream, anyway, i shall work hard for my boss as that is my responsibility.

Friday, February 16, 2007

Web Service at JRun 4

Would like to share my way of developing web service & testing it at JRun4 Web Server. I assume you know the concept of web service as this tutorial is specific to web service running on JRun web server. Also i assume you have already known how to use the Eclipse Web Service function which allows you to generate web service related files within a few seconds.

  1. To publish a web service at JRun 4 is very simple, what you need to do is to only create the "wsdd"(web service deployment descriptor) file and place it under your "PROJECT_HOME/WEB-INF/" folder.
  2. Start JRun server for your project. Create WSDL file by just running your project's web service's URL appended with '?WSDL'. For e.g (http://localhost:8103/services/ProgramWs?WSDL). For this case, "http://localhost:8103/services/ProgramWs" is the path to test the validity of web service ProgramWs.
  3. Using the generated WSDL file, go to command prompt, go to your WSDL location, run this command (before that, make sure that you have set JRUN_HOME/bin to your environment path) wsdl2java xxx.wsdl d:/ where xxx.wsdl is your wsdl file while d:/ is the output directory of the generated java classes. Thus, the bean object will be generated. What you need to do now is to replace your original bean object with it. For e.g. Your web service is about to get all programs of an institution, you will have a "getPrograms()" method which returns an array of Program bean object. So just replace this Program object with the auto-generated one which contains additional code for the web services.

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Wanna try these frameworks out

I hope within the next few months i will be able to try these technologies out:

1)Ajax Framework - After doing some research, i found out combination of scriptaulous with Prototype.js is the best Ajax Framework on market so far, even better than Google GWT, amazing ha!

2)Business Logic & ORM framework - EJB 3.0: This framework has reduced the complexity for developers thus started to gain back popularity among the java developers esp. those who are keen on using Spring + Hibernate now. The advent of Java 5 has indirectly sped up the birth of this framework, hope by using it can really ease my job, hihi.

3)Web Framework - Struts is getting obsolete and outdated already. So far it is the most successful web framework. There is a group of its followers are still figuring out how to push it further forward (currently known as Struts TI). I still got hope in this framework.

Monday, January 22, 2007






Monday, January 15, 2007

第二波水灾记 - 返乡受阻




Lucky , Unlucky

Last week i was supposed to go back to my hometown with my friends. Before that there were a heavy rain for a few days in Johor so we were worried whether we would be able to make it or not. In the end we decided to give a try. On Saturday morning i met him at Cityquare, we had our lunch there and moved on to our journey. By the time we reached Yong Peng it was already 2 something in the noon. Here we faced our first obstacle. The road was filled by water but the water level was not that high for a car. I easily got through. I managed to penetrate through 3 times. However, for the 4th one i started to get worried. The water level was high & it was flowing rapidly. I started to consider what would be the outcome if my car broke down in the middle of the stream. I had a long discussion with my friend and both of us decided not to take this risk as we only managed to finish our first half journey. What lies ahead could be a few more tougher condition. I thus turned my car back. I got passed the first flooded area and then i reached the 2nd one. My goodness... this time it was higher than just now already. It was 2 feet more and the water was flowing fast. As there is no other choice already, i kept pressing my oil pedal and praying that the car in front would not stop suddenly.
Luckily i managed to got passed in the end. After that me & my friend were looking for famous food in Yong Peng to eat and we got what we wanted after a long searching. At night we went to a shopping center in Johor Bahru so i could look for an old movie soundtrack After that we had our dinner at Anjung Warisan just before i sent him to the Malaysia custom.

The next day, i woke up at 11 something. Initially I was trying to call one of my ex-colleagues out but she was not free that day so i moved on to my 2nd plan. After having a leisure breakfast at one new coffee shop in Kulai. I drove to Jusco Terbrau City to visit its bookstore -- Harris. I reached there at around 2 something. I left the bookstore at around 4 something and went to buy movie's ticket. While waiting for the movie to start, i was wandering around and got my parents & my gf's parents some nice packaged food. I also applied Jusco Card. At around 5:45 i rushed to the cinema as the movie was about to start at 5:50pm. Fortunately i did not miss the beginning part. It was an average movie. Its title is "The Return". Anyway, if you have the patience reading up to this part i will strongly suggest you that not to watch that in cinema. The movie ended at 7:20pm and i moved on to Harris again. There i bought 3 books about China & World History which cost me RM200. That time was already 9pm and i decided to have my dinner at Sushi King which cost me RM21! On the way to Sushi King i bought 1 shirt to myself and 1 shirt for my gf for Valentine's present at Levi's. That cost me about RM150! What a big spender you think! haha.

I went back home with a very much satisfactory & leisure mood. Even tough i did not manage to find the soundtrack i am longing for, but at least i enjoyed & got myself t-shirt & nice books. That's great, isn't that. Being alone sometimes can be enjoyable as nobody will have to stop you from going to places you want and you don't need to force yourself to go to places they like but you don't like either way.

Monday, January 8, 2007









